'Were Unreachable' means that our SMS provider has delivered the message to the SMS network and the built-in SMS network retries have been attempted but they all failed.
Retry attempts vary from network to network as well as based on how long it has been since that phone number has last been seen online. But, typically the SMS networks will retry at intervals for 3-5 days.
This means that it can take up to 3-5 days for you to receive the status change to 'Were Unreachable' for some numbers. To be clear, the RunGopher system itself does not (and can not) control or initiate any of the retries performed by the SMS networks.
We rely completely on the inbuilt retry mechanisms of the SMS networks.
If you did want to implement retries for some numbers, you could use our journey functionality to implement a retry after 3 or 5 days (we would not recommend retrying any earlier than this, due to the fact that you might miss some numbers that will eventually fail). Or else you could do retries manually by downloading a CSV report from the 'Manage Contacts' area of your RunGopher campaign.
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